oh yeah. I feel this way all the time.
last year there was an incident in my state which haunts me and probably will for the rest of my life.
Two children were left to die in a car in the sweltering summer heat...while their mother got a massage, her hair done, and her nails manicured.
It took them awhile to die. The details of the story are so horrific I won't post them here: but if you want to read 'sanitized' version of the story you can find it here.
OH MY GOD! I can't believe they put that URL with the story, that is HORRIBLE!!!
I cried for days over this. I swear, I would've taken these kids myself to raise, they were so beautiful. Just babies. The older boy tried to get his baby sister out of her car seat too :(
And while filth like their mother is able to reproduce without let-up (later it was found she'd abandoned another child, and was pregnant at the time this happened! At least they took her baby away when it was born!) while I have friends who would make wonderful parents who struggle with infertility and adoption issues.
This is one sick, twisted world we live in...but unfortunately it's the only one we've got.